Tianjin Xinyuantehui Chemical Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Hydrogen Peroxide
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic oxides
Product spec: 35% / 50%
Post Time: 2010-11-17
Description: 1: ISO9001-2008 cerificate 2: Concentration: 27.5%~70% 3: Brand: Boom 4: Packing: 30kg''and 200kgs''drum IBC Product: Hydrogen peroxide 27.5%35%&50% EINECS NO: 231-765-0 CAS No: 7782-84-1 Hydrogen peroxide is a clear and colorless liquid. It has a slightly pungent odor. Hydrogen peroxide is a versatile and environmentally friendly chemical with a wide variety of applications. It is commercially available as aqueous solution in various concentrations and grades. Useage: Used as important oxidant, bleaching agent, antiseptic and antichlor. Mainly used for cotton and other fabric bleaching; The pulp bleaching and deinking; Organic and inorganic peroxidase manufacturing; Organic synthesis and polymer synthesis; Toxic wastewater treatment. Mainly Used in food industry as antisepsis of package, manufacture, pipeline&container of food and beverage fields; And antisepsis for dishware(drink-ware), fruit & vegetable etc. Mainly used in electronic industry integrated circuit on the surface of metal parts including the corrosion and silicon integrated circuits and cleaning. Storage: Hydrogen peroxide should be stored in roofed, fireproof rooms where it can be kept cool and protected from the sun. It can, however, withstand summer temperatures as well as severe, cold winter temperatures. It is important that the hydrogen peroxide is protected against all types of contamination. With proper storage in the original containers or in tank installations, the solutions can be stored for long periods of time without noticeable losses in active oxygen
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