Tianjin Xinyuantehui Chemical Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Magnesium Oxide
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic oxides
Product spec: 90%/95%
Post Time: 2010-11-17
Description: The vulcanization activator and active filler in the rubber industry CAS No.: 1309-48-4 Light magnesium oxide Relative molecular weight: 40.31 Character: The white amorphous powder, not smelly, istasteless, non-toxic, the melting point approximately 2, 825, the relative density 3.58, soluble in acid or ammonium salt solution, insoluble in water, the ethanol, the ether, the benzene and the toluene etc. Organic solvent. Magnesia Lightcan take up water and carbon dioxide in the air to reate the magnesium carbonate duplicate salt which reduce the activity. Use: As the vulcanization activator and active filler in the rubber industry, also is the polyphenylene oxide synthetic catalyst, the bond, the padding of the paint and of the paper. In addition, it can be used as the raw material that makes the ceramic, the enamel and the firebrick, besides used in the medicine, dye, glass etc. Industry. Quality specification (GB9004-88)
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