Tianjin Xinyuantehui Chemical Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Acrylic Acid
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Others
Product spec: 98%-99%
Packing: 25kg plastic drum
Post Time: 2010-11-17
Description: Acrylic acid: Colorless liquid, irritating odor. Used for the resin manufacturing. Name: Acrylic acid Molecular formula: C3H4O2 CAS No: 79-10-7 Appearance: Colorless liquid, irritating odor. Usage: T-225 can be used in circulating cool water system in situation of alkaline and excess of phosphate. It can be used as scale inhibitor and dispersant for heater, none- evaporator boiler, circulating cool water and oilfield dirty refilling water with high calcium content. The dosage of 10~30mg/L is preferred. It can be built with organophosphines to form full organic alkaline formula. Package and Storage: Normally In 200kg net Plastic Drum, IBC drum can also be used as required. Storage for one year in room shady and dry place
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