Tianjin Xinyuantehui Chemical Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Chrome Oxide Yellow
Product Type: Dyestuffs and pigments -> Pigments
Product spec: industrial grade
Packing: 25kg PP bag
Post Time: 2010-11-17
Usage: Be used to make coatings, paints, inks, color paste, culture and education Supplies, plastic, molding powder, rubber, shoe materials, leather, paper, paint rape, etc.
Description: Chrome Yellow Alias name: Paris yellow, lead chrome yellow; Including Lemon Chrome Yellow, Light Chrome Yellow, Medium Chrome Yellow and Deep Chrome Yellow. CAS: 6054-97-3 Molecular formula: Pbcro4 Solubility: Not soluble in water and oil, soluble in inorganic acid and alkali solutions. The Reaction to hydrogen sulfide is poisonous. Applications: Be used to make coatings, paints, inks, color paste, culture and education Supplies, plastic, molding powder, rubber, shoe materials, leather, paper, paint rape, etc.
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