Tianjin Xinyuantehui Chemical Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium Hexametaphosphate
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: industrial grade
Packing: 25kkg PP bag
Post Time: 2010-11-17
Usage: Used in industries of oil fields, paper production, textile, dyeing, petroleum, chemistry, metallurgy and construction materials etc. As water softener, flotation ing agent, disperser and high temperature adhesive; In food industry it used as an additive, nourishing agent, quality improver, pH regulator, metal ions chelating agent, adhesive and leavening agent etc.
Description: Formula: (NaPO3)6 68% Chemical formula: (NaPO3)6 Molecular weight: 611.82 Properties: White powder; Density 2.484(20); Soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvent; It has got strong hygroscopicity and can absorb humidity from the air to become into pasty form; It may form soluble chelates with ions of Ca, Ba, Mg, Cu, Fe etc. And is a good water treatment chemical. Uses: Used in industries of oil fields, paper production, textile, dyeing, petroleum, chemistry, metallurgy and construction materials etc. As water softener, flotation ing agent, disperser and high temperature adhesive; In food industry it used as an additive, nourishing agent, quality improver, pH regulator, metal ions chelating agent, adhesive and leavening agent etc. Packaging: Plastic-woven sack with inner polythene film; Net weight at 25kg 1x20''
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